ZERO INCREASE In Jobs For Native-born Workers In Over Five Years! (Native-born Workers Lost 463k Jobs In May 2024 While Foreign-born Workers Gained 414k Jobs)

The theme song for the Biden Administration should be “South of The Border.”

Biden’s open borders policies are like something out of the book/film “Gangs of New York.” This time it isn’t Irish immigrants that are rioting/looting, it iis illegal immigrants from Latin America, China, and the Middle East. Essentially replacing native-born workers with foreign-born workers.

Since COVID, the growth in foreign-born workers have blow away the growth in native-born workers. So much so that since 2019, native-born workers have actually lost jobs while foreign-born workers have surged.

But for May 2024, native-born workers lost 463k jobs while foreign-born gained 414k jobs.

In May, part-time jobs soared by 286k jobs while full-time jobs nosedived by -625k jobs.

Finally, the difference between the BLS survey and the more accurate Household Survey is huge!

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