Alarm! Bidenomics And The Tilt Effect (Mortgage Rates Up 174% Under Biden, 10Y Treasury Yield Up 402%, Real Disposable Income Declining, TLT Calls Explode!)


No, this isn’t the tilt effect in the mortgage market where inflation is front-loaded in mortgage rates making mortgage payments quite unaffordable. Although inflation is causing mortgage rates to be up 174% under Biden (while Biden continues to brag about how Bidenomics is helping). Meanwhile, the 10Y Treasury yield is up 402% under Biden (making refinancing the US staggering debt load more difficult to refinance. Higher mortgage rates tilt the present value of mortgage payments to the front, making housing even more unaffordable. Thanks Joe!

But the Tilt effect I am talking about is the TLT effect. TLT (iShares US Treasuries 20y+ ETF) calls. Friday was the largest TLT call volume ever.

Meanwhile, US real disposable income is declining.

I’ll feel a whole lot better when Biden is gone.

Meanwhile, inflation under Biden is still eight miles high.