Alarm! Treasury 10Y Term Premium Remains Deeply Negative As Fed Plans Its Attack On Mortgage Rates And Treasury Yields (3M TBill/OIS Spread Crashes As 30Y Mortgage Rate Is -3%) Venezuela 2Y Yield At … 436.77%


The 10-year Treasury term premium, the amount by which the yield on a long-term bond is greater than the yield on shorter-term bonds, remains steeply negative (white line) as The Federal Reserve steps up its attack (aka, monetary tightening). Meanwhile, the 10Y-2Y curve actually rose into positive territory.

Historically, the 10-year Treasury Term Premium declines before a recession.

Meanwhile, 3 month Treasury bill to Overnight Indexed Swaps spread is crashing to the lowest level since 2017.

But with inflation raging at the fastest pace in 40 years, the REAL 10-year Treasury yield remains negative at -5.236% while the REAL 30-year mortgage rate is -3.01%. Both were in positive territory when Biden was installed as President.

Speaking of interest rates, the infamous PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain) are all seeing surges in their 10-year sovereign yields. Sweden, while not a PIG has the largest spike today at 13.8 BPS.

Actually, the biggest spike in sovereign yields occurred in Ukraine where their 2-year yield popped +205.8 BPS. But Lebanon has the highest 2-year yield at 162.29%. Turkey is in third place in the sovereign demolition derby at 23.52%. Sadly, Poland’s 2-year yield is up 16 bps today.

But the winner of the sovereign debt demolition derby is …. drumroll … VENEZUELA! At 436.77%.

I am really surprised that Biden hasn’t adopted Maduro’s fashion sense.

6 thoughts on “Alarm! Treasury 10Y Term Premium Remains Deeply Negative As Fed Plans Its Attack On Mortgage Rates And Treasury Yields (3M TBill/OIS Spread Crashes As 30Y Mortgage Rate Is -3%) Venezuela 2Y Yield At … 436.77%

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