Unaffordable Joe! Housing, Food, Autos Are More Expensive Under Biden (Car Prices Rise 19% And Food UP 44% Under Biden, Interest Rates On Cars Highest Since 2008)

Biden’s approval ratings are terrible. Okay, Biden is the worst President in history, weak, can’t speak coherently and is letting chaos reign on the southern border. But from a consumer standpoint, he and crazy spending Congress have helped make America simply unaffordable for miillions.

Once again, Biden’s obsession with foolish green energy, Congress using Covid to spend trillions, then the green energy subsidy Act (aka, Inflation Reduction Act) where Biden and Congress agreed to make massive payoffs to big donors (the donor class). All this resulted in 40 year highs in inflation leading The Federal Reserve to raise interest rates to combat inflation.

For autos, the interest rate on an auto purchase has soared to it highest level since 2008. And car prices at up 19% under Biden’s Reign of Error.

And when we consider that US Real Average Weekly Earnings growth continues to be negative under Unaffordable Joe.

Housing? At least home price growth is slowing and even negative in some cities. But housing is still unaffordable for millions of Americans.

The housing situation will only get worse as Title 42 expires and millions of illegal immigrants invade the US. Texas Governor Abbot should ship all of them to Wilmington Delaware, home of Unaffordable Joe Biden. Let him suffer for once from his own folly.

Food? Don’t get me started. The Commodity Research Bureau is up 44% under Unaffordable Joe.

Okay, Biden is a useful idiot for BIG banks, BIG Pharma, BIG tech, BIG defense, and BIG government. He is popular with the 1% and people who watch “The View.” But many of the 99% are suffering under Unafforable Joe.

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