Slippin’ Into Darkness! Dallas Fed Manufacturing Index Plunges To 1.1 As M2 Money “Slows” To 11% YoY (Will The Fed Reinstate Its “Low Rider” Interest Rate Policies?)

Slippin’ into darkness!

M2 Money stock YoY skyrocketed during the Covid mini-recession, peaking at 21% during February of 2021. The Dallas Fed manufacturing outlook grew to 38.1 in March 2021.

However, as M2 Money growth has slowed 11%, the Dallas Fed manufacturing outlook has plunged to near zero.

So, with the economy faltering (and REAL wage growth in negative territory), will The Fed reinstate its “Low Rider” interest rate policies?

The US Treasury 10Y yield is down -12.5 basis points (never a good sign as investors buy Treasuries in a flight to safety).

Crude oil is down below $100 again and is down -5.61% today on … problems everywhere. ALL metals are down.

Cryptos are getting clobbered today as well.

Between Biden’s “Going green!” policies and The Fed’s allegedly trying to fight inflation, markets are getting trashed.