Bidenomics Strikes! US Housing Starts 1-unit Plunges -7.4% YoY In June For 14th Straight Month Of Declines (Multifamily Starts Down -11.56% From May To June, Permits Down -13.52%)

Bidenomics strikes! Or as Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum sing “I’m going to make (the US) mine!”

Despite the open borders where millions of low wage workers and parasites pour across into the US, we still see 1-unit housing starts plunged -7.4% YoY in June as The Fed continues tightening.

Multifamily starts actually fell worse than 1 unit starts. 5+ unit starts were down -11.56% MoM. Multfamily permits were down -13.52%.

And it just isn’t little girls that Biden is creepy about (like the family member we all keep our kids away from), Biden is creepy towards adult women too! These guys, like most normal people, aren’t digging Old Joe’s creepiness.